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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore

This is easily one of my top 5 books EVER, mostly because of the religious context and the excellent humor.


Biff is the missing disciple, the one no one ever hears about. The preface describes how an angel gets orders from On High to resurrect Biff and write his own gospel. He begins with when he met Jesus (called Joshua, because that's what it really was) as a young child. Josh is just like any other kid; he wants to live up to his parents' expectations, but how does he do that when there's never been another savior? When he's old enough, Josh decides to find the three magi who blessed him at his birth, because surely they knew how he can be the messiah! Biff goes with him to make sure he stays out of trouble. In between scenes in Biff's story we get his reactions to modern society and what he thinks of the gospels which did get published.

This was the best, most accurate pic I could find of them
When it comes to the religious aspects of this book, it's not offensive but it does rework the viewpoint of the New Testament. Moore's angels are, as in his other books, dumb, robotic, and gullible. God is all-powerful but aloof, and magic is present but not overpowering everyone's lives. Josh is naive, loving, and committed to being the Messiah. However, he's not completely pure; he swears and is always trying to maintain his morality. He's in love with one of his best friends, Maggie, but the relationship is never consummated.

Surely not... MARY MAGDALENE?! *le gasp*
The travels that Biff and Josh go on (which some theologians believe really did happen) show Jesus' interactions with other religions and cultures. The boys become monks, yogis, and magicians, all to understand how Josh could be a better messiah. You don't have to be familiar with the New Testament to understand and love this book, and you don't have to be Christian either. In the end, it makes every reader want to be a little more like Josh.

Fans of this movie will undoubtedly love Lamb!

Goodreads link

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